圆通寺“Yuántōng Sì” (Anglais “Yuantong Temple”)

If you are privileged to be in the vicinity of Kūnmíng, Yúnnán, South of the clouds, eternal Spring City  (Southwest Zhōngguó lands), 圆通寺 – Yuantong Temple is a must.   Location is 附近 of Kunming Zoo.  I’d give that one a wide berth!  Head straight to the Temple.  It’s a wonder wander lust.

The Temple seems to be in a continuous state of upkeep and renovation, which I whole heartedly believe is a necessity to hold onto this treasured possession.  The fee for entry is pittance and therefore have no idea who forks out the bill…

I happened to stumble across this Buddhist oasis on a bright rainy day, which seemed to somewhat add to its appeal while awakening and heightening the senses.  The ritual of the joss sticks being burned, kowtowing and offering prayers to the gods is a present to behold.

It truly is an oasis of serenity, zen and peacefulness.  Koi and turtles have full access lucky things!

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1 Response to 圆通寺“Yuántōng Sì” (Anglais “Yuantong Temple”)

  1. andrea says:

    Hey Sweetie…..looks so beautiful… makes me realise i’m missing something.

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